/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ (function (context) { var DEFAULT_DATA_TABLE_LIMIT = 8; var objToString = Object.prototype.toString; var TYPED_ARRAY = { '[object Int8Array]': 1, '[object Uint8Array]': 1, '[object Uint8ClampedArray]': 1, '[object Int16Array]': 1, '[object Uint16Array]': 1, '[object Int32Array]': 1, '[object Uint32Array]': 1, '[object Float32Array]': 1, '[object Float64Array]': 1 }; var testHelper = {}; /** * @param {Object} opt * @param {string|Array.} [opt.title] If array, each item is on a single line. * Can use '**abc**', means abc. * @param {Option} opt.option * @param {Object} [opt.info] info object to display. * @param {string} [opt.infoKey='option'] * @param {Object|Array} [opt.dataTable] * @param {Array.} [opt.dataTables] Multiple dataTables. * @param {number} [opt.dataTableLimit=DEFAULT_DATA_TABLE_LIMIT] * @param {number} [opt.width] * @param {number} [opt.height] * @param {boolean} [opt.draggable] * @param {boolean} [opt.lazyUpdate] * @param {boolean} [opt.notMerge] * @param {boolean} [opt.autoResize=true] * @param {Array.|Object} [opt.button] {text: ..., onClick: ...}, or an array of them. * @param {Array.|Object} [opt.buttons] {text: ..., onClick: ...}, or an array of them. * @param {boolean} [opt.recordCanvas] 'ut/lib/canteen.js' is required. */ testHelper.create = function (echarts, domOrId, opt) { var dom = getDom(domOrId); if (!dom) { return; } var title = document.createElement('div'); var left = document.createElement('div'); var chartContainer = document.createElement('div'); var buttonsContainer = document.createElement('div'); var dataTableContainer = document.createElement('div'); var infoContainer = document.createElement('div'); var recordCanvasContainer = document.createElement('div'); title.setAttribute('title', dom.getAttribute('id')); title.className = 'test-title'; dom.className = 'test-chart-block'; left.className = 'test-chart-block-left'; chartContainer.className = 'test-chart'; buttonsContainer.className = 'test-buttons'; dataTableContainer.className = 'test-data-table'; infoContainer.className = 'test-info'; recordCanvasContainer.className = 'record-canvas'; if (opt.info) { dom.className += ' test-chart-block-has-right'; infoContainer.className += ' test-chart-block-right'; } left.appendChild(recordCanvasContainer); left.appendChild(buttonsContainer); left.appendChild(dataTableContainer); left.appendChild(chartContainer); dom.appendChild(infoContainer); dom.appendChild(left); dom.parentNode.insertBefore(title, dom); var chart; var optTitle = opt.title; if (optTitle) { if (optTitle instanceof Array) { optTitle = optTitle.join('\n'); } title.innerHTML = '
' + testHelper.encodeHTML(optTitle) .replace(/\*\*([^*]+?)\*\*/g, '$1') .replace(/\n/g, '
') + '
'; } if (opt.option) { chart = testHelper.createChart(echarts, chartContainer, opt.option, opt, opt.setOptionOpts); } var dataTables = opt.dataTables; if (!dataTables && opt.dataTable) { dataTables = [opt.dataTable]; } if (dataTables) { var tableHTML = []; for (var i = 0; i < dataTables.length; i++) { tableHTML.push(createDataTableHTML(dataTables[i], opt)); } dataTableContainer.innerHTML = tableHTML.join(''); } var buttons = opt.buttons || opt.button; if (!(buttons instanceof Array)) { buttons = buttons ? [buttons] : []; } if (buttons.length) { for (var i = 0; i < buttons.length; i++) { var btnDefine = buttons[i]; if (btnDefine) { var btn = document.createElement('button'); btn.innerHTML = testHelper.encodeHTML(btnDefine.name || btnDefine.text || 'button'); btn.addEventListener('click', btnDefine.onClick || btnDefine.onclick); buttonsContainer.appendChild(btn); } } } if (opt.info) { infoContainer.innerHTML = createObjectHTML(opt.info, opt.infoKey || 'option'); } if (opt.recordCanvas) { recordCanvasContainer.innerHTML = '' + '' + '' + '

'; var buttons = recordCanvasContainer.getElementsByTagName('button'); var canvasRecordButton = buttons[0]; var clearButton = buttons[1]; var closeButton = buttons[2]; var recordArea = recordCanvasContainer.getElementsByTagName('textarea')[0]; var contentAraa = recordArea.parentNode; canvasRecordButton.addEventListener('click', function () { var content = []; eachCtx(function (zlevel, ctx) { content.push('Layer zlevel: ' + zlevel, '\n\n'); if (typeof ctx.stack !== 'function') { alert('Missing: '); return; } var stack = ctx.stack(); for (var i = 0; i < stack.length; i++) { var line = stack[i]; content.push(JSON.stringify(line), '\n'); } }); contentAraa.style.display = 'block'; recordArea.value = content.join(''); }); clearButton.addEventListener('click', function () { eachCtx(function (zlevel, ctx) { ctx.clear(); }); recordArea.value = 'Cleared.'; }); closeButton.addEventListener('click', function () { contentAraa.style.display = 'none'; }); } function eachCtx(cb) { var layers = chart.getZr().painter.getLayers(); for (var zlevel in layers) { if (layers.hasOwnProperty(zlevel)) { var layer = layers[zlevel]; var canvas = layer.dom; var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d'); cb(zlevel, ctx); } } } return chart; }; /** * @param {ECharts} echarts * @param {HTMLElement|string} domOrId * @param {Object} option * @param {boolean|number} opt If number, means height * @param {boolean} opt.lazyUpdate * @param {boolean} opt.notMerge * @param {number} opt.width * @param {number} opt.height * @param {boolean} opt.draggable */ testHelper.createChart = function (echarts, domOrId, option, opt) { if (typeof opt === 'number') { opt = {height: opt}; } else { opt = opt || {}; } var dom = getDom(domOrId); if (dom) { if (opt.width != null) { dom.style.width = opt.width + 'px'; } if (opt.height != null) { dom.style.height = opt.height + 'px'; } var chart = echarts.init(dom); if (opt.draggable) { if (!window.draggable) { throw new Error( 'Pleasse add the script in HTML: \n' + '' ); } window.draggable.init(dom, chart, {throttle: 70}); } option && chart.setOption(option, { lazyUpdate: opt.lazyUpdate, notMerge: opt.notMerge }); var isAutoResize = opt.autoResize == null ? true : opt.autoResize; if (isAutoResize) { testHelper.resizable(chart); } return chart; } }; testHelper.resizable = function (chart) { var dom = chart.getDom(); var width = dom.clientWidth; var height = dom.clientHeight; function resize() { var newWidth = dom.clientWidth; var newHeight = dom.clientHeight; if (width !== newWidth || height !== newHeight) { chart.resize(); width = newWidth; height = newHeight; } } if (window.attachEvent) { // Use builtin resize in IE window.attachEvent('onresize', chart.resize); } else if (window.addEventListener) { window.addEventListener('resize', resize, false); } }; // Clean params specified by `cleanList` and seed a param specifid by `newVal` in URL. testHelper.setURLParam = function (cleanList, newVal) { var params = getParamListFromURL(); for (var i = params.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { for (var j = 0; j < cleanList.length; j++) { if (params[i] === cleanList[j]) { params.splice(i, 1); } } } newVal && params.push(newVal); params.sort(); location.search = params.join('&'); }; // Whether has param `val` in URL. testHelper.hasURLParam = function (val) { var params = getParamListFromURL(); for (var i = params.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (params[i] === val) { return true; } } return false; }; // Nodejs `path.resolve`. testHelper.resolve = function () { var resolvedPath = ''; var resolvedAbsolute; for (var i = arguments.length - 1; i >= 0 && !resolvedAbsolute; i--) { var path = arguments[i]; if (path) { resolvedPath = path + '/' + resolvedPath; resolvedAbsolute = path[0] === '/'; } } if (!resolvedAbsolute) { throw new Error('At least one absolute path should be input.'); } // Normalize the path resolvedPath = normalizePathArray(resolvedPath.split('/'), false).join('/'); return '/' + resolvedPath; }; testHelper.encodeHTML = function (source) { return String(source) .replace(/&/g, '&') .replace(//g, '>') .replace(/"/g, '"') .replace(/'/g, '''); }; /** * @public * @return {string} Current url dir. */ testHelper.dir = function () { return location.origin + testHelper.resolve(location.pathname, '..'); }; /** * Not accurate. * @param {*} type * @return {string} 'function', 'array', 'typedArray', 'regexp', * 'date', 'object', 'boolean', 'number', 'string' */ var getType = testHelper.getType = function (value) { var type = typeof value; var typeStr = objToString.call(value); return !!TYPED_ARRAY[objToString.call(value)] ? 'typedArray' : typeof type === 'function' ? 'function' : typeStr === '[object Array]' ? 'array' : typeStr === '[object Number]' ? 'number' : typeStr === '[object Boolean]' ? 'boolean' : typeStr === '[object String]' ? 'string' : typeStr === '[object RegExp]' ? 'regexp' : typeStr === '[object Date]' ? 'date' : !!value && type === 'object' ? 'object' : null; }; /** * JSON.stringify(obj, null, 2) will vertically layout array, which takes too much space. * Can print like: * [ * {name: 'xxx', value: 123}, * {name: 'xxx', value: 123}, * {name: 'xxx', value: 123} * ] * { * arr: [33, 44, 55], * str: 'xxx' * } * * @param {*} object * @param {opt|string} [opt] If string, means key. * @param {string} [opt.key=''] Top level key, if given, print like: 'someKey: [asdf]' * @param {string} [opt.objectLineBreak=true] * @param {string} [opt.arrayLineBreak=false] * @param {string} [opt.indent=4] * @param {string} [opt.lineBreak='\n'] * @param {string} [opt.quotationMark='\''] */ var printObject = testHelper.printObject = function (obj, opt) { opt = typeof opt === 'string' ? {key: opt} : (opt || {}); var indent = opt.indent != null ? opt.indent : 4; var lineBreak = opt.lineBreak != null ? opt.lineBreak : '\n'; var quotationMark = opt.quotationMark != null ? opt.quotationMark : '\''; return doPrint(obj, opt.key, 0).str; function doPrint(obj, key, depth) { var codeIndent = (new Array(depth * indent + 1)).join(' '); var subCodeIndent = (new Array((depth + 1) * indent + 1)).join(' '); var hasLineBreak = false; var preStr = key != null ? (key + ': ' ) : ''; var str; var objType = getType(obj); switch (objType) { case 'function': hasLineBreak = true; str = preStr + quotationMark + obj + quotationMark; break; case 'regexp': case 'date': str = preStr + quotationMark + obj + quotationMark; break; case 'array': case 'typedArray': hasLineBreak = opt.arrayLineBreak != null ? opt.arrayLineBreak : false; // If no break line in array, print in single line, like [12, 23, 34]. // else, each item takes a line. var childBuilder = []; for (var i = 0, len = obj.length; i < len; i++) { var subResult = doPrint(obj[i], null, depth + 1); childBuilder.push(subResult.str); if (subResult.hasLineBreak) { hasLineBreak = true; } } var tail = hasLineBreak ? lineBreak : ''; var delimiter = ',' + (hasLineBreak ? (lineBreak + subCodeIndent) : ' '); var subPre = hasLineBreak ? subCodeIndent : ''; var endPre = hasLineBreak ? codeIndent : ''; str = '' + preStr + '[' + tail + subPre + childBuilder.join(delimiter) + tail + endPre + ']'; break; case 'object': hasLineBreak = opt.objectLineBreak != null ? opt.objectLineBreak : true; var childBuilder = []; for (var i in obj) { if (obj.hasOwnProperty(i)) { var subResult = doPrint(obj[i], i, depth + 1); childBuilder.push(subResult.str); if (subResult.hasLineBreak) { hasLineBreak = true; } } } str = '' + preStr + '{' + (hasLineBreak ? lineBreak : '') + (childBuilder.length ? (hasLineBreak ? subCodeIndent : '') + childBuilder.join(',' + (hasLineBreak ? lineBreak + subCodeIndent: ' ')) + (hasLineBreak ? lineBreak: '') : '' ) + (hasLineBreak ? codeIndent : '') + '}'; break; case 'boolean': case 'number': str = preStr + obj + ''; break; case 'string': str = preStr + quotationMark + obj + quotationMark; break; default: str = preStr + obj + ''; } return { str: str, hasLineBreak: hasLineBreak }; } }; function createDataTableHTML(data, opt) { var sourceFormat = detectSourceFormat(data); var dataTableLimit = opt.dataTableLimit || DEFAULT_DATA_TABLE_LIMIT; if (!sourceFormat) { return ''; } var html = ['']; if (sourceFormat === 'arrayRows') { for (var i = 0; i < data.length && i <= dataTableLimit; i++) { var line = data[i]; var htmlLine = ['']; for (var j = 0; j < line.length; j++) { var val = i === dataTableLimit ? '...' : line[j]; htmlLine.push(''); } htmlLine.push(''); html.push(htmlLine.join('')); } } else if (sourceFormat === 'objectRows') { for (var i = 0; i < data.length && i <= dataTableLimit; i++) { var line = data[i]; var htmlLine = ['']; for (var key in line) { if (line.hasOwnProperty(key)) { var keyText = i === dataTableLimit ? '...' : key; htmlLine.push(''); var val = i === dataTableLimit ? '...' : line[key]; htmlLine.push(''); } } htmlLine.push(''); html.push(htmlLine.join('')); } } else if (sourceFormat === 'keyedColumns') { for (var key in data) { var htmlLine = ['']; htmlLine.push(''); if (data.hasOwnProperty(key)) { var col = data[key] || []; for (var i = 0; i < col.length && i <= dataTableLimit; i++) { var val = i === dataTableLimit ? '...' : col[i]; htmlLine.push(''); } } htmlLine.push(''); html.push(htmlLine.join('')); } } html.push('
' + testHelper.encodeHTML(val) + '
' + testHelper.encodeHTML(keyText) + '' + testHelper.encodeHTML(val) + '
' + testHelper.encodeHTML(key) + '' + testHelper.encodeHTML(val) + '
'); return html.join(''); } function detectSourceFormat(data) { if (data.length) { for (var i = 0, len = data.length; i < len; i++) { var item = data[i]; if (item == null) { continue; } else if (item.length) { return 'arrayRows'; } else if (typeof data === 'object') { return 'objectRows'; } } } else if (typeof data === 'object') { return 'keyedColumns'; } } function createObjectHTML(obj, key) { return [ '
            testHelper.encodeHTML(printObject(obj, key)),
' ].join(''); } var getDom = testHelper.getDom = function (domOrId) { return getType(domOrId) === 'string' ? document.getElementById(domOrId) : domOrId; } // resolves . and .. elements in a path array with directory names there // must be no slashes or device names (c:\) in the array // (so also no leading and trailing slashes - it does not distinguish // relative and absolute paths) function normalizePathArray(parts, allowAboveRoot) { var res = []; for (var i = 0; i < parts.length; i++) { var p = parts[i]; // ignore empty parts if (!p || p === '.') { continue; } if (p === '..') { if (res.length && res[res.length - 1] !== '..') { res.pop(); } else if (allowAboveRoot) { res.push('..'); } } else { res.push(p); } } return res; } function getParamListFromURL() { var params = location.search.replace('?', ''); return params ? params.split('&') : []; } context.testHelper = testHelper; })(window);